10 Minutes With Zach Oldham – Central Texas Pixel Pusher

In this episode of ’10 Minutes With…’ I chat with Zach Oldham. He’s a graphic designer that has done a great number of designs for BBQ spots that you have seen, but may not have put a face to the name. We discuss his design philosophy and how he goes about his projects. We also get into his background, how he ended up with the guys at Miller’s Smokehouse in Belton and what he listens to while he designs.

See all things Zach Oldham here: http://zacholdham.com

Check out Zach Oldham Design here: https://www.facebook.com/zacholdhamde…

Zach Oldham on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/zacholdham

Here’s his Dribble page: https://dribbble.com/zachloldham