From Behind the BBQ Front Lines – Robin Wong – Blood Bros. BBQ – Houston, Texas

In this episode of ‘From Behind the BBQ Front Lines’ I chat with Robin Wong from Blood Bros. BBQ in Houston, Texas.

Blood Bros. BBQ website:

Phone Number to Place To-Go orders: (713) 664-7776 – Per Robin, you need to call your order in(no online ordering) and once you place your order it is made then, so you’ll need to pick it up.

Hours: Wednesday – Sunday – 11AM – Sold Out

Follow Blood Bros. on Instagram here:

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See them on Facebook here:

kind This is an extremely informative interview that starts with me pointing out a burn on his arm and goes into EVERYTHING they are doing during pandemic. There are a good number of tips that a restauranteur could pick up from this and even more for customers on what to expect now and moving forward.

We also get into the $10K they received from Kingsford Charcoal as part of their Together With BBQ program where they are giving that same amount to 25 other BBQ restaurants.