Khoi Barbecue – My Interview with Don and Theo Nguyen

I know I often say that an interview is one of my favorites, but this one with Don and Theo Nguyen from Khoi Barbecue in Houston truly was. Not only did I learn a lot about both Don and Theo’s background, but we get a chance to see them acting like brothers. I have interviewed business partners and life partners before, but never brothers. This was nice.

We go deeply into the philosophy behind their dishes and Don mentioned one thing that stuck with me, that ‘barbecue has helped accelerate his appreciation for his motherland’s (Vietnam) cuisine.’ That’s a big deal. To learn more about your heritage THROUGH cooking is powerful. You’ll also see that they blend Vietnamese into Central Texas-Style barbecue along with Korean and Japanese.

They have done a number of collaborations, but the one that is really exciting is one coming up on Sunday June 13th in San Juan Capistrano at Heritage Barbecue and Convenience West out of Marfa, Texas.

Check them out on Instagram HERE, go to their official website HERE to see when they will pop up next, and you can see the interview here:

OR you can LISTEN to the PODCAST version HERE

Here are some additional great write-ups to give you further insight into what they do here:

  • Article by Texas Monthly HERE
  • The Houston Chronicle HERE
  • Houstonia HERE
  • Thrillist HERE
  • Voyage Houston HERE

This is such a killer video by Eater with Don Nguyen:

And here’s a great one by Cost of Goods Told: