Where YOU Can Find Flores Tortillas Out in the Wild

It’s no secret that Flores Tortillas are a favorite of mine. I am probably just a sucker for smoked beef tallow, but once you have one of these tortillas, even just heated up and slathered with butter, you will be a believer too.

Also, as I do my interviews during this weird time I am starting to hear the phrases ‘we ONLY use Flores Tortillas’ or ‘we offer Flores Tortillas in our case to go’. That’s fantastic and should be known by everyone.

Below is a list of brick and mortar spots that you can buy yourself some (if you are in Texas or Virginia) or you can place an order online HERE. I will continue to add to this list as more places come on board.

Where you can purchase a dozen in person(note inquire ahead of time as these do sell out quickly):

Where to get yourself some tacos using Flores Tortillas:

Follow Flores Tortillas on Instagram HERE for up-to-date news on when the online shop is live for shipping and collaboration news (he’s doing a bunch).

See my recent chat with Michael Wyont about his tortilla business and future plans here: